There are indeed a number of apps out there ( for the iPad / iPhone ) however the price tag is often so high its a non starter for parents / autistic people.

Ive have found a few that look ok, and are not priced in the sky either!

First up is Grace ( Grace App ) to quote

The Grace App for Autism helps autistic and other special needs children to communicate effectively, by building semantic sequences from relevant images to form sentences. The app can be easily customized by using picture and photo vocabulary of your choice.

And at €20 its not a bad start!

Second up!
TaptoTalk ( Tap2Talk ) available in a free and paid for version ( the paid for version allows you to customise the application ) it is also available on other mobile devices too!

Look2Learn ( Look2Learn )

Look 2 Learn is dedicated to the support of individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorders through the development of new and affordable applications for the Apple® iPhone© and iPad©. School Districts, educators and parents recognize that apple devices (iPad, iPhone, iPod touch) can be used effectively to facilitate communication and education for students who are nonverbal. Look2Learn provides applications which have been proven to support the special needs of these students.

And Finally for this helping of my post today ….
Adams Game ( Adams Game )

Adam’s Game is a game for toddlers and preschoolers. The game shows three pictures and asks your child (or a toddler at your preschool) to touch one of them (“Touch the cow!”). When your child picks the right picture, the game cheers. If your child picks an incorrect picture, the game says “Uh-Oh” and flashes the right picture. After several turns, the game rewards your child with music and a group of objects floating across the screen. Adam’s Game also allows you to add your own pictures and voices to the game. This is great if you want to add a picture of the grandparents or your family dog.

For the TOP 30 applications for mobile devices have a look here

Hope people find something worth while here ^^



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