Ok, not so even daily(ish!) things have been a tad mad here with the Moore family! Anyway, this photo is on the East Dart looking up at Sandy Hole Pass
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Bridleway Signs Part II
Ok so the Postbridge to Challacombe – Headland Warren – Postbridge  loop In places there were good signage, however…. … Read More
Dartmoor, Hiking, MountainBiking, MyFacebook, Twitter
Reverse Course!
Ok so… after ditching my #Garmin #inReach tracker in favour for the #SpotGen3 I have now actually sent the SpotGen3 back as its tracking is quite rubbish! on a recent 33Km Dartmoor mountain biking adventure the Spot failed to track… Read More
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New Tracker!
Ok ( sadly ) the time has come, Garmin have increased their tariff’s for the inReach, which is my current PLB / Message Sat system to almost double what i used to pay for it ( though the US prices… Read More
Hiking, Holidays, MountainBiking, Photos
Scotland 2016
A little late in posting this as i needed to sort the photos!! Soo after driving around 2000miles ( 636 Miles each way to get to cottage mind you! ) , Over 500 photos taken, and 2 or was 3… Read More
Dartmoor, Facebook-Page, Hiking, MyFacebook, Photos
Todays Hike Photos from iPhone
All these were taken on the iPhone 🙂 Though i will be adding some more later to the gallery from the big camera too :p http://adrianmoore.smugmug.com/Landscapes/Great-Mis-Tor-Area/i-CHbNgnR/A
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Photos from Recent Hike to Whitehorse Hill
[smugmug url=”http://adrianmoore.smugmug.com/hack/feed.mg?Type=gallery&Data=48123052_3WjnjR&format=rss200″ title=”Whitehorse%20Hill” imagecount=”100″ start=”1″ num=”100″ thumbsize=”Th” link=”lightbox” captions=”false” sort=”true” window=”false” smugmug=”false” size=”L”]
Dartmoor, Facebook-Page, Hiking, Le Random Stuff, MyFacebook, Photos, Twitter
Stir Crazy! Need to Yomp on the Moor!!!
Getting bored of this cold / bug and really need to get out on the Moor!!!! Route already planned..
Dartmoor, Hiking, Kingsbridge, Le Random Stuff, MyFacebook, Photos, Twitter
Photography Sun Flares
Some times these are unwanted , other times they add to the mood of the image Internet Example One of my deliberate sun flare shots
Dartmoor, Facebook-Page, Hiking, Le Random Stuff, MyFacebook, Photos
Panoramic Photo of Avon Area
This is the last image from my iPhone of today’s 15(ish)k hike, I’ve yet to download the big camera!